Over the next 25 years, our research predicts that around 1.52 million people in NSW will be diagnosed with cancer and unless something changes, almost 1 in 3 people diagnosed will die. With unprecedented growth in new cancer cases, it has never been more important to do more of what we know works to prevent, detect, and treat cancers and support people with cancer to live well.
Our research has shown that investing in cancer prevention works and can save many thousands of lives over the next two decades. However, Government spending on prevention has fallen behind. The NSW Government spends less than one third of what is recommended on disease prevention and chronic conditions such as obesity remain stubbornly high.
Cancer Council NSW recommendations:
Reduce risky drinking in the community
Invest $24 million over three years for Cancer Council NSW to deliver a public education campaign to increase awareness of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) updated alcohol guidelines and reduce risky drinking in the community.
Protect young people from nicotine addiction
Protect children and young people from nicotine addiction and risk of smoking uptake by making it an offence to supply or sell non-nicotine e-cigarette products.
Reduce children’s exposure to unhealthy food marketing
Reduce children’s exposure to unhealthy food marketing by removing unhealthy food advertising on state owned or controlled property, starting with public transport.
Support people to eat healthy
Invest $8 million each year to deliver a healthy eating campaign, focusing on fruit and vegetable consumption. The campaign should include additional support for the community to eat a nutritious diet consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines, such as a fruit and vegetable voucher scheme for low-income families experiencing rising cost of living pressures.